Dedication to data

Astrophotography is more than some pretty pixels, and it has inherent value that should be preserved, catalogued, indexed, and maintained.

During its time online, since 2011, AstroBin has helped the community shift towards a culture of wanting to share and highlight the technical details of their astrophotographs, and has had a highly positive influence on the hobby of astrophotography.

Astrophotography is a highly technical discipline, at the crossroads between science, art, and technology. One of AstroBin's goals is to never see an unannotated image again.

AstroBin's dedication to data is reflected in its mission to index and catalog the output of the global amateur astrophotography community: all images can (and you are encouraged to do so) be tagged with every bit of relevant information, in a way that can be organized in a searchable database.




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