IOTD Judge candidates 2022

This page contains the list of candidates to the position of Judge for 2022. The appointment of Submitters and Reviewers will be carried out separately.

Alberto Ibañez Pulido

Tell us about yourself

I've been doing astrophotography since 2004. Started with a DSLR from 2004 to 2010 and changed to CMOS from 2016 until now. I've been processing images with Pixinsight from the early beginning of this software, so I have about 15 years of experience with it. This wide knowledge has let me to develope innovative workflows, techniques and DIY projects. I wanted to retun to the astronomical community all the support received during this years so I publish my developments in my website and other sites like this website forum. My images have been published in sites like the BBC Magazine, the AAPOD website or the QHYCCD catalogue.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I'm a obessive pixel peeper and perfectionist so I think I could do a good job as a judge. In my daytime job I'm an university teacher in engineering, so I'm quite experienced in to evaluate other's work.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Not as a photography judge, but as mentioned before I work as university teacher so I have about 10 years of experience evaluating other's work.

Alberto Pisabarro Cuervo

Tell us about yourself

In 2011 I began to take my first planetary and deep sky images, it attracted the act of capturing light that had traveled through space for miles of years. Throughout these years I have been learning and photographing the night sky, although since my son was born I have dedicated more time to image processing and I have delegated the capture to remote telescopes, although whenever I have time and I can I love spending nights under the sky photographing all night.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a habit of scrutinizing my images pixel by pixel, I am very demanding with the result of them, this is what I will transfer to my role as a judge, without losing sight of details such as the composition or the merit that an image may have, derived of the type of equipment used to obtain the images

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I have never had a chance, only here on astrobin as reviewer.

Andreas Bringmann

Tell us about yourself

In my professional life I am a Rohde & Schwarz engineer and develop EMI test receivers.
I have been involved in astronomy since I was 7 years old. Astrophotography was added later. At first I took photos with analog Kodak films, and later with digital cameras.
A few years ago, with the help of Baader Planetarium, I was able to set up my own roof observatory in Ingolstadt, which makes astrophotography much easier.
I am particularly fascinated by the progress made in the field of cameras for astrophotography, which are now available to amateurs, but also interested in new image processing techniques.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

For years I have been dealing with setup optimization, following the new developments in cameras and filter techniques and the trends in image processing.
Last but not least, I am always fascinated by a unique picture composition. The first deep impression followed by a technical review is crucial for me when evaluating an image.
I always find special admiration for pictures for which a difficult journey has been undertaken or for amazing pictures of our solar system.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

In the years before 2021 I was already a member of the IOTD staff and was allowed to contribute as a submitter, reviewer and as judge.

Andreas Eleftheriou

Tell us about yourself

I am an Architect, 52, living and working in Limassol-Cyprus, collecting photons at night from DSOs from my apartment balcony. I have used Newtonian reflectors, Cassegrain and RC telescopes and my current setup consists on two refractors, my trusted MYT mount two Moonlight Nitecrawler focusers and a few CCDs and CMOS cameras. My favorite target is galaxies and I prefer to shoot at high resolution around 0.72arcsec/pixel in order to capture the small-scale structural details. I plan my acquisition strategy based on the target type, its visibility from my balcony and its meridian transit, to overcome the heavy light pollution in my area. I am currently designing my own home-observatory in a rural area outside my city :-)

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Trying to improve my data acquisition and image processing skills, I read a lot about astronomy and astrophysics, as well as about astro-photography equipment, image processing techniques/methods and I study the work of other astrophotographers here in Astrobin. I learned how to appreciate rich and good quality datasets, evenly calibrated frames and non-aggressive image post-processing. It doesn't mater if the data was collected with a small or a big telescope, careful image examination will indicate the care and attention given to tracking, focusing, framing and collecting the signal from the target with the right amount of exposure time and number of frames. Small steps and non-aggressive post-processing will provide a natural look, contrast and colors, as well as the right balance of noise reduction and sharpening. By applying these guidelines on my own images, I was honored the last two years with three IOTDs and several Top Picks.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

My experience last year as a Submitter here in Astrobin and reading the IOTD staff forum topics, was very helpful to develop the knowledge and skills required for constructive critique and appreciation of other Astrophotographers work.
As an Architect and Senior Partner in my Firm, I am a member of the Firm's Design Review committee and I have serve several times as a judge in Architectural Competitions. Our job is to review and judge the visual and functional values and balance of a Project, based on 2D Schematic drawings and 3D rendered photo-realistic images. There are usually disagreements and different opinions by the members, but discussion and clear evaluation criteria always help to reach on a decision based on constructive critique.

Andy Campbell

Tell us about yourself

Andy Campbell is a Professional Photographer, Mentor and Public Speaker with a deep seated passion for Astrophotography. A popular communicator, Andy presented his Astrophotography at the World Science Festival in 2019 & 2020. Scheduled to present at NEAIC/NYC in 2020, Covid cancellations instead presented Andy an opportunity to deliver online content to the Astro Imaging Channel, Astronomy clubs & virtual Star Parties worldwide. Published by NASA APOD on six occasions, Andy was also shortlisted in the 2019 & 2020 Insight International Astronomy Photographer of the Year. Andy is a Grand Master of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography, a Fellow of the New Zealand Institute (NZIPP), and a Master Photographer WPPI (USA). He enjoys Martinis, good Sci-Fi, Smoked BBQ's & walking Barnaby, their cute family dog.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Andy first joined Astrobin in 2014 and in consultation with Salvatore, wrote the guidelines for Astrobin IOTD. Andy has 9 IOTD's and 25+ years experience judging photography both Professional and Astro. A mentor to Astrophotographers in the USA, Canada, Ireland, Oman, UAE and Australia, Andy is a dedicated member of the 2021 Astrobin team and selected 76 of the IOTD's this year. Andy coaches astrophotographers on the technicalities of Astrophotography, and uses his Professional Photography experience to give insights on Composition, Colour Palette, Impact, and Target Research helping Astrophotographers create dynamic images to share and enjoy. Andy has experience with Stellarmate, SGP, Voyager, PHD2, Polemaster, Nebulosity, Astropixel Processor and Photoshop with Astro plug-ins, actions & filters. He has used Refractors, Newtonians and RC telescopes and images with Takahashi and QSI gear in Narrowband from his light polluted backyard and LRGB from a rural property whenever possible!

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Andy has judged and chaired the State and National Australian Professional Photography Awards (APPA) for the last 25 years consecutively and remains committed to judge education, training and development. Andy believes that judging is more than just liking an image as one often has to inform & educate an audience as to why it's noteworthy and also assist the photographer with helpful constructive critique as to how it could be further improved. Andy has also judged the international Silver Lining Awards (SLA), the Australian Commercial & Magazine Photographers Collection (ACMP) and grassroots awards for local Camera Clubs.

Anthony Saab

Tell us about yourself

-Astrophotographer for 8 years.
-Holding 1 APOD so far and more than 90% of my images featured on SKY or APOD's insta.
-Teaching Processing using Pixinsight and Photoshop.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Being a Post-Production producer by day, I had to train my eyes for extreme attention to detail, and finding flaws and mistakes in images and videos as well as recognizing and acknowledging impressive and eye-catching work. My job is a science and an art, just like Astrophotography. This has helped me a lot in my astrophotography journey so far.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Reviewer on Astrobin. 93% of my votes have reached TP.

- Total votes: 331
- Images that you voted for, and made it to IOTD: 51
- Images that you voted for, and made it to TP: 309

Barry Wilson

Tell us about yourself

Interest in astronomy since teenager; imaging for 10 years with a backyard observatory and two remote imaging rigs in Spain which are wholly operated, owned and installed by me and my imaging partner. Imaging DSO mixed with backyard observation.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Understanding of imaging techniques from capture through to processing for many years; helpful and willing to share experience and knowledge with the community, in addition to help via PM, 10 Micron, SGL & SGP forum over the years.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Have previously been a Submitter and Reviewer.

Bruno Bourgeois

Tell us about yourself

First vision of Saturn in a 60mm telescope in 2004! Woww!
2006-Purchase of a Mak127 on a motorized equatorial mount to see a little more. Tested an SC 8".
2008-Purchase of a WO 80mm refractor and first pictures with a 350D deep sky gun! Then with a small CCD.
Stopped astrophoto in 2011 then resumed in 2016. I image from my main residence in the suburbs of Paris and also from Bourgogne where I have a dark sky. This passion has not left me since and I finally spend a lot of time on Astrobin to admire all these beautiful pictures.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I think I have a good graphic sense and know the problems and constraints encountered in image acquisition and processing.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

No experience as a judge, but I am a freelance illustrator for science magazines and have good visual skills.

Carlos Araya Fernandez

Tell us about yourself

Born and raised in Atacama Chile, I am a mechanical engineer but in 2019 I decided to dedicate myself full time to astronomy as an astro tourism guide, I started looking for the stars in my youth but it was until I started working I was able to buy my first Observing telescope because The story is well known ... I bought my first DSLR and started to make my astrophotography fists back in 2014. With the pandemic we were a bit unemployed and I created the YouTube channel DesiertoCosmico to teach and practice astrophotography from the Atacama desert, I have the Lucky to be the protagonist working with a local store, they lend me equipment to test and share on the channel, now with the activation of tourism I do both, I captivate tourists with the Atacama sky and I practice and teach astrophotography from Atacama.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Before the channel I already had my deep space astrophotography equipment, but thanks to the channel and an agreement with a local telescope store that I have been able to renew my equipment and the luck of testing several, telescopes, cameras and mounts, so I can say that I have experience various types of setups for astrophotography, from the famous WO SpaceCata and the compact Askar ACL200 through medium size reflectors like a RC8 and a 6 "and 8" F4 newt, to my Sharpstar 130F2.8 that I am using now. As I teach astrophotography on my channel, I try to get the most out of the equipment I use, even using a modest reflex camera like an EOS T5i to a Monocrome CCD.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, but only in local contests.

Christoph Lichtblau

Tell us about yourself

I am an astrophotographer for more than 20 years now and was already judge in 2021. Now, well used to the process, I again would like to be judge for another year. I like the work an the constructive dicussions with the other team members.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

For beeing a good judge it is neccessary to be a skilled astropgotographer by yourself. So my opinion. Please decide by visiting my gallery.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, I already was judge in 2021.

Christopher Gomez

Tell us about yourself

I started astrophotography from a DSLR and a tripod and have now graduated to guiding and and have used several telescopes. I know what people have to go through to produce images from the basic level to the most advanced and know what kind of images deserve recognition based on the equipment used from very beginner to advanced. I have spent countless hours looking at images on astrobin to find what I like pleasing in order to learn and also to develop my style of astrophotography. As a Judge, I believe you have to have an eye for great images and I believe I have that.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Again I started astrophotography from the very basics and have worked my way through the astrophotography hoops to get to where I am now in this hobby. I am an active imager... Sky permitting and I am always looking at ways to improve imaging and image processing to obtain the best results.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Daniel Del Nero Festa Nobre

Tell us about yourself

Just a curious guy...:-) 10 years of astrophotography, 6 of Astrobin ... helped Telescope Nazionale Galileo to built their Calendar 2021 celebrating 25 years of Astronomy ( , and Insight Observatory processing some of their images (e.g. the first main image is my processing attempt :-)) - ( and ( Nasa APODs (and other NASA Sky mentions but not turned APOD) and just two IOTDs...and 1223 followers :-):


Astrobin IOTDs:

TNG 2021 Calendar

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Well, I began AP from zero, had a lot of difficulties trying to make AP here at Brazil with low cost equipment, lots of light pollution, so I understand a lot of people around the world just like me who makes a good job with low cost AP as well and are addition to, I have to learn alone a lot of Pixinsight and Photoshop as well (and other tricks) :-)

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

AstroBin Submitter and Reviewer a couple of years ago.

Daniel Kusz

Tell us about yourself

My name is Dan Kusz from Vernon BC Canada, I have been taking photographs of the sky for over 20 years. I started in the film days and adapted with the technology of today. I am a true backyard astrophotographer, setting up multiple rigs every clear night and going through the struggles that most of us face on a nightly basis. I take tremendous pride in my work and am teaching my children and locals in my town the excitement of looking up and photographing the night sky.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have spent the past two years volunteering time to the Astrobin community first as a submitter for a year than a reviewer for the last year. In the last year 191 of my submitted images have gone on to be awarded top picks and 23 have won Image of the Day. I would like to complete my third year of volunteer in the judges position to complete this great experience with the Astrobin community.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I have not had experience working as a judge in other photography contests.

David Cheng

Tell us about yourself

I am hooked in astronomy since 1986, produced my own Newtonian telescopes, and keep doing both astrophotography and visual observing.
My interest in astrophotography is broad, covering from deep sky objects, to lunar and planetary imaging. Occasionally when I am able to travel aboard, I also do star field photography.
My approach of astrophotography is more in a scientific manner, to bring the night sky and universe to the audiences, appears as what we see visually or via the eyepiece.
I am a graduate of B.Sc. in Physics with Computing.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am interested to conduct the end-to-end process of astrophotography, from equipment setup, data capturing, processing of data, and presentation of information in a natural way I perceive.
I keep learning every night, as each time I discover each astrophoto I took has area to improve.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I am an AstroBin submitter of 2021.

David Erickson

Tell us about yourself

A life long passion for optics, physics and astronomy. Retired from a 50 year carrier in advanced optics. Received NASA Public Service Group Achievement Award for work on the optical design and repair of the Hubble Space Telescope first servicing mission. Worked on many high profile instruments that changed our understanding of the world around us. Design and build most of my own equipment. Owner operator of a Solar Powered \ remote off the grid observatory of my own design.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

A life long passion for optics, physics and astronomy. An understanding of optical instruments, imaging systems. Experience in astrophotography that spans more than 60 years from wet chemistry and film to digital CCD and CMOS sensors. Took my first astro-mages more than 60 years ago. An appreciation for the complexity and effort that goes into making an astroimage weather from ones back yard or a remote controlled location. Life long support of the Astronomical community. Many years of AstroBin support and a love of pretty pictures. I spend a lot of time reviewing images on AstroBin.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I understand that this is not a contest. I have judged and selected images in industrial environments for corporate purposes.

Destin Heilman

Tell us about yourself

I’m a longtime member of ABin who has leaned much from this community over the years. I’m a Biochemist by day and astronomer by night, running outreach and teaching others to image the cosmos. I’ve won some awards on ABin including a few IOTD and have been serving as a Reviewer for the past year. I’m happy to give back to this community and to help showcase ABin as the leading site for excellence in astrophotography.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I feel that I have good skills in both what makes an excellent astrophoto and how to value excellence that comes in many forms on ABin. We have a diverse group of imagers in our community who use different equipment and target very different objects - my goal is to seek to showcase each. As a Reviewer, images I’ve promoted were selected for 175 Top Picks and 24 IOTD.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I’ve been a Reviewer here for the past year and have curated a few galleries for astrophotography over the years.

Edoardo Luca Radice

Tell us about yourself

Edoardo holds a degree in Physics from the Milano University. He began photographing the sky when he was 13, and "rediscovered" astrophotography in 2008 with a digital DSLR. Edoardo is one of the most skilled Italian amateurs in PixInsight and holds lessons and workshops in Italy. Besides his website, mostly in Italian and his YouTube Channel, he is the administrator of the PixInsight Italia Facebook Group, with more then 1300 members.
At the moment he collaborates with Pleyades Astrophoto for the documentation developement project.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a long time experience in Astrophotograpy since the very beginning of the "digital Era".
I have a "data oriented" approach to astrophotography looking for clean post-processing and "data respect".
I dont'like over processed pictures.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Filippo Scopelliti

Tell us about yourself

I started as visual observer about 10 years ago. I love large diameter Dobsonian telescopes so I tried to explore short exposures to make high resolution planetary imaging. As long as this technique works very well for solar system imaging, I decided to start to explore this technique for deep sky also. This way I started to practice deep sky imaging in a proper way, applying short and long exposures when needed, considering the specific target.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I think that obtaining good results in astrophotography with a Dobsonian telescope is a big effort in acquisition and processing phase that allow me to explore several techniques. This may help in choosing if an image is well acquired and processed.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Not really even if I am active in promote visual observing and evaluating optical and mechanical quality of telescopes in my community.

Frank Breslawski

Tell us about yourself

I have been passionate about visual astronomy since my school days over 30 years ago. In 2015 I started astrophotography and found AstroBin as my community to share my images and make new contacts. Today I'm observing and photographing the night sky from my own backyard observatory located in the rural environment of Bonn, Germany.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

This is a hobby we all love and invest a lot of time, money and motivation in. My knowledge comes largely from this community - I am probably no more or less qualified to be an IOTD judge than any other candidate. However, it is important to me (and I have always tried to realize this in my role as current judge) to also give newer astrophotographers a chance for an IOTD - nothing enriches the community more than new members with great motivation, new ideas and motives!

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, I contributed as sumbitter for one year, for two more years as reviewer and I'm one of the IOTD judges in this year.

Frederic Tapissier

Tell us about yourself

I have been an astrophotographer since the Neanderthal age of photography, that is, since the film and its endless source of frustration and failure. Having little means my material progress is necessarily very slow. But by dint of time and patience I ended up having a level at the height of my equipment. In life, I am an artistic director. I think I can claim that I have a pretty safe taste. In astrophoto, I am attached to the physical reality of the object. I'm not very comfortable with supernatural stuff. I like innovative framing, respect for colors. I pay no attention to the notoriety of the photographer. Only the result counts. I am fascinated by the capacity of certain astrophotographer to reinvent objects photographed a thousand times and by daring, provided that it does not fall into the excess.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have been photoengravers among my different professions. So I have a solid background in images, colorimetry. then as artistic director, I paid a lot of attention to the quality of the images, their compositions, the framing, the respect for the light and the dosage of the different elements that compose it.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Professionally, I have for years been required to make artistic trade-offs on images, composition and layout in the advertising world. Finally, I have been an examiner for Astrobin for a few months, and I love it :)

Gabe Shaughnessy

Tell us about yourself

I’ve been doing astrophotography for over 12 years now, having worked with about a dozen different systems. I’ve written several tools to help astrophotographers like the Astro Imaging Planner and it’s frame inspector.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a lot of experience with scrutinizing images and subframes from my own data and friends data that has been shared.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I’ve been an AstroBin reviewer in 2021 and a submitter in 2019.

Gary Jones

Tell us about yourself

40+ years experience as a photographer, degree in computer science, significant experience with image processing. Have contributed to and co-developed several professional image management systems, and acted as the sale agent for ASIAPAC. Well versed in photographic methods and imaging processing techniques. Used to run an 'old fashioned' chemistry-based darkroom. Published images in Government publications, astrophotography magazines and scientific journals, currently writing a book 'Beginners Guide to Astrophotography'. Won several prizes and awards for photographic work. Have mentored 75+ university students though technology-based internships.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a [passion for photography, and think it is very important to help others by sharing my knowledge and experience. I have the technical experience to know what makes an outstanding image.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

25+ years as a judge for scientific / technology-based enterprises, although no specific experience as a judge in photography, I have significant technical knowledge and experience.

Giovanni Paglioli

Tell us about yourself

Giovanni Paglioli, sound engineer, life-long passionate about astronomy,
has been part of the birth of many international projects and companies
like Officina Stellare. Digital imaging expert, he founded a digital
cinema production and postproduction company and has been a pioneer in
3D graphics and animation in Italy. He's been involved in astrophotography for over 40 years.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I was been involved as a judge this year 2020 and I really enjoyed the responsabilities and the privilege of that role. I'm in astrophotography from over 40 years now and I'm still able to be amazed in seeing such wanders. I'm also a very skilled in digital editing and pioneer in the field of digital imanging and film. I'm also CEO of a digital production and postproduction company in the field of cinema and television priduction. I was been part of the birth of Officina Stellare Company. Expert of visual perception and theory.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, I'm actually in charge as a judge for IOTD.

Greg Turgeon

Tell us about yourself

Hey! Im Greg Turgeon and I reside in Northern Canada. Father of 5, Dentist, local Pastor at my church, but I still manage to get out under the stars. Not to sound cliche, but I've always had a love and interest in space. I currently photograph both locally and remotely. Literally half of the year here consists of little to no darkness up here, so a remote setup as well made perfect sense, but I still find nothing beats just being out in the trenches.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I feel a few different things have given me some experience, hopefully helping me to give each submitted image a fair and honest look. Ive been at both ends of the game, imaging at my home with modest equipment, as well as imaging and running a much more sophisticated setup remotely. The struggles of both types of systems are familiar to me, as well as what can be done with both. I feel my profession as a dentist has forced me to have an eye for detail, something that comes in handy in this hobby. Having data come in remotely has given me the chance to do A LOT of editing, essentially editing everyday. I appreciate now not only the basics of an image like noise levels, saturation, sharpness, etc but also now perspective, framing, difficulty of targets, how common or uncommon they are, location shot from, etc. Overall I just love the hobby and hope for the chance to get more involved in the community and feel this is a great opportunity.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Last year I held an editing competition with data from my CDK 17 at Obstech. Myself and 4 other judges looked through the many submissions and worked together to have a final 10 images chosen. From there I supplied a second data set, one more difficult, and had the imagers edit this last photo. We then critiqued and discussed the final images and came to an overall winner. It was a great opportunity to learn to determine small differences in editing skills and techniques since it was everyone editing the exact same image set. It is something that I plan to also do annually.

Hartmuth Kintzel

Tell us about yourself

I have been an astrophotographer since 1985.
I am also a board member of the Nuremberg Astronomical Society (NAA).
Here, among other things, I take care of young amateur astronomers by instructing them in the techniques of astrophotography.
I have remained true to the hobby of astrophotography all this time. I have had the opportunity to see and photograph the southern skies in Kenya and Namibia, northern lights in Iceland and total solar eclipses (Austria, Turkey).
My home observatory is under a light-polluted sky.
But I regularly travel to places with very dark skies. (Alps, Canary Islands, Namibia...)

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am familiar with the use of large and small equipment for astrophotography, backyard, mobile and remote astrophotography. Also with deepsky-, planetary-, solar-, comet-, aurora photography and so on. Last but not least, I was a member of the Astrobin IOTD team as a submitter (1 year), reviewer (1 year) and judge (2 years).

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Herbert Walter

Tell us about yourself

Herbert Walter is a passionate astrophotographer and founder of PixInsight Austria. In addition to his own astrophotographic activities (Austria, Chile, Namibia) and his enthusiasm for PixInsight, he gives workshops and is involved with the CCD GUIDE planning software (

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Experience with optics/telescopes from 50mm to 1000mm and their optical imaging, from cheap to high-end equipment - this variety is also encountered in the submissions.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Not in astrophotography - but I teach at the university and judge daily ;-)

Jonathan Piques

Tell us about yourself

I have been a photographer for over a decade, and an active astrophotographer for about five years, capturing images using a wide variety of imaging systems, focal lengths, and locations, using many different types of capture and processing software. I started with just a DSLR and a tripod, which evolved into a small widefield refractor in my backyard, occasionally traveling to dark sites, to now I have a more advanced system hosted at Deep Sky West that I manage remotely. Not only do I love capturing images myself, but I'm probably most passionate about helping others along the often steep learning curve, and have volunteered with my local astronomical society and helped many different imagers get started capturing and processing, no matter what their experience or skill level.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am passionate about helping others learn more about astrophotography, and I view the IOTD as a way to further that aim, either through introducing people to a unique target, a novel approach to processing, or just showing an exceptional example of what's possible with a given system and location. Whether it's a small wide field set up in a backyard or a CDK 24 on a mountain in Chile, they're all capable of creating really interesting images. What I think is unique about me is I have had (sometimes painful!) experience with almost all of those varieties of systems and locations, from short to long focal length, great mounts and starter mounts, light polluted skies and dark sites, backyard imaging and remotely-managed imaging, DSLR to expensive mono cameras. Along the way I've gotten a sense for what it takes to make the most of a given system, location, and target (through I'm always learning), so I think I may be able to bring that experience and perspective to the Judge role.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Not as a judge in a contest, no, though in my experience teaching processing, I've had to exercise a similar set of skills in helping someone identify what they can do to improve an image.

Kasra Karimi

Tell us about yourself

Filmmaker, fine art and astronomy photographer based in UK.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am an astrophotographer and come from a photography background.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, IOTD/TP submitter.

Lars Stephan

Tell us about yourself

I have been doing astrophotography since 1990 - first planets and then deep sky on slide film. With a film scanner it was possible from the year 2000 to digitize and edit slides. The digital recordings started later with an ASI290 and the ASI1600mmc. A QHY600 is now in use on the 160/1600 refractor. I like to capture narrow band in summer and RGB otherwise.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I think I've seen a lot of pictures as a comparison and I like to find out which reference images there are for a certain object - depending on the optics used.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Lorenzo Siciliano

Tell us about yourself

Hi everybody. I'm 51 and I have been passionate about astronomy since I was 12.
I started astrophotography in the film golden age, using an old good Olympus OM1 coupled with TP2145 ( if anyone recall it) and dia film like Kodak E200.
Then, in early 2000, I started imaging planets with webcams, and since then I've been using digital techniques. My first ccd was an Audine, based on Kaf401 sensor, then a Starlight Xpress MX716, then an Sbig ST8XME. With it I've done the most of my pictures. Now I'm starting a new "adventure" in the cmos world, so let's see what going to happen!

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I'd like to contribute to Astrobin in another way than simply submitting images, and I think to be skilled enough in both taking pictures at the telescope and processing them: I think I could be good in judging. Beside that, I'm the first judge of my pictures, and I'm really severe about my works.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Maciej Kapkowski

Tell us about yourself

I have been dealing with digital astrophotography since 2008. I am interested in astrophotography of deep sky objects, solar system objects and especially comets. My achievements are shown on my website and gallery
My images have been awarded the IoTD title five times and the M 110 photo in 2019 was an honorable mention in the Greenwich Insight Photographer of the Year competition. From 2016 to 2020 I ran the Polish APOD portal, where I was also a jury member. I was also a jury member in many local, Polish astrophotography contests. In 2021, I helped select the Astrobin IoTD as a reviewer. The 227 images I selected reached the TopPick level and 34 reached the IoTD level.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Since I have been doing astrophotography myself for years, using good equipment ( SBIG, ASA mount, Officina Stellare, Takahashi) I am able to judge the technical quality of the photo. Being a nature and architecture photographer, as well as a trained cinematographer and film editor, I am able to assess the composition of an image and its other artistic qualities. I have used these skills many times as a judge in many astrophotography contests on Polish thematic portals, but also as an Astrobin reviewer last year.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

This is described in the preceding paragraphs

Maciej Woloszka

Tell us about yourself

I had interest in astronomy since childhood. I read astronomy news and forums every day. I am active astrophotographer for already 3 years, icluding trips to La Palma, Namibia and constructing own remote observatory.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I will promote interesting, technically well made and not over processed images, which was often an issue on astrobin.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Unfortunately no.

Marcel Drechsler

Tell us about yourself

I have been an astrophotographer for more than 10 years and have 20 years of experience in professional image processing and photography. I am an amateur astronomer and research in the field of planetary nebulae.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I edit astrophotos several times a week. Through my years of experience, I have become particularly good at recognising which techniques have been used and when some photos have been "cheated". In addition, my profession as a graphic designer and photographer brings with it a basic understanding of aesthetics.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I give private courses in astrophotographic image processing and evaluate photos sent to me.

Markus Blauensteiner

Tell us about yourself

I've been doing astrophotography since 2012, got into it at our club observatory and built a remote observatory in France in 2017. Since then, there have been plenty of opportunities to capture photons and then make pictures of them at home. I have a particular interest in galaxies and planetary nebulae. In these fields, I am working on two projects - the first one is about finding unknown dwarf galaxies in galaxies of the local volume, the second project is about the many newly discovered PN of Marcel Drechsler's team. New discoveries have already been made in both projects, which makes me particularly happy. In image processing, I try to acquire a lot of knowledge about different programmes and then find the best tools for my kind of processing. My motto: "not yet photographed - interesting!")

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I think I have a good feeling for what is possible with a certain equipment and can therefore assess the images well. In the past I have used some very different telescopes, and it is the same with cameras. I have photographed both from an observatory and mobile. I like to go into detail and enjoy discovering the many little surprises that are often hidden in images. My statistics as a submitter in 2021 are:
- Total submissions: 503
- Images that you submitted, and made it to IOTD: 27
- Images that you submitted, and made it to TP: 250
- Images that you submitted, and made it to TPN: 296

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

"Only" as a submitter on AstroBin.

Martin Dufour

Tell us about yourself

I started astrophotography in 2010 and since then I have continued to improve my techniques and my equipment. I am at my 3rd fixed observatory and my last has 2 functional telescopes. An FSQ 106 and an AgOptical FA12.
Here in Quebec, I often participate as a speaker in order to increase awareness of astrophotography and help those who are just starting out.
I already spend several hours a week staring at the big wall on astrobin and think I have enough experience to help.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

When I look at the big wall on Astrobin, I often take the time to go and see the most beautiful in maximum resolution, I always review the equipment used as well as the exposure times. I can tell the difference and understand the stakes between a result from a large teleccopes 16 inches or larger and a wide field capture captured with a smaller telescope.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I was a submitter in 2020.

Michael Feigenbaum

Tell us about yourself

I am an Surveyor/Engineer by profession and currently head a telecommunications company that provides data services to government and industry via the fiber optic network we designed and built in Northern Mexico.
I have been practicing astrophotography for about 3.5 years. I live in Arizona which is a great place to do this. I have experience doing Lunar, Planetary and Deep Sky imaging with a variety of instruments and cameras from an observatory I installed at my home.
I served as a Submitter in 2020 and a Reviewer for 2021.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I believe that although I have a relatively short amount of time practicing our avocation, I have had opportunity to learn and advance my skills by immersion, studying, and communication with other very fine imagers here on Astrobin. I do have a farily good level of experience in Lunar imaging, Planetary imaging, and Deep Sky imaging which I hope demonstrates a rather broad base of knowledge that would be requisite for a position as an Astrobin Judge. My motivation for volunteering is simply to give back to our community. If not selected, I would love to continue to contribute in any way I can be of value.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I have served as an Astrobin Submitter and Reviewer.

Mo Tabbara

Tell us about yourself

I have been an astrophotographer for around 7 years and have loved all things astronomy since I picked up my first Astronomy magazine at the age of 8. I've lived as far north as Copenhagen and am now based in Melbourne, Australia and appreciate the unique objects in each. An electrical engineer by training, I have worked as a researcher and appreciate robust peer review and diving deep into technical fields.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a good understanding of what taking a good astrophoto involves, how optics, the sky, the object and the system components affect the output and the theory and practice behind the image processing techniques commonly used. A small selection of my recent work, my AB images do have an IOTD amongst other promotions. I've been a reviewer in several prestigious engineering journals and thoroughly enjoy the process and interaction with authors. As southern-sky and southern-based astrophotographer I will bring some diversity to the judging mix.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

2021 IOTD Staff.

Nikkolai Davenport

Tell us about yourself

My journey into astrophotography began in 2017 when I was reintroduced to the hobby of amateur astronomy after receiving my first telescope in years. Like many others today, my first pictures of the night sky were made through the lens of an iPhone and an eyepiece. From that moment I was hooked. I made my first planetary camera soon after from an old Logitech webcam. I also flocked and center spotted my scope to improve the quality of my images. There was so much to learn, and I was hungry for it. I've come a long way since then. My toolkit has also grown, but is still modest. And I still challenge myself to make the most of what I have while exploring new techniques for imaging the cosmos.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have a background in visual art with a degree in Interdisciplinary Computing and the Arts from the University of California, San Diego. As an artist, I value the composition and presentation of imagery. As an astrophotographer, I understand the technical challenges involved with capturing images of deep sky objects, solar system bodies, and nightscapes, and am familiar with the differences in equipment setup, capture techniques, and processing. I have an eye for detail, and understand the value of critical feedback as well as praise.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Yes, I have previously served as an IndieCade judge. IndieCade is an internationally judged festival of independent games. I was invited to become a judge after having been part of a team that was nominated for an award in visual excellence in 2013.

Péter Feltóti

Tell us about yourself

About me in a nutshell: I graduated in Dunaújváros as an IT engineer, I used to work as an insurance IT systems designer and analyst of business processes. Currently I lead a data science team.
I have been an addict of natural sciences since my childhood, I have been practicing practical astronomy since 2012 and astrophotography since 2014.
Out of a passionate love of nature I am one of the traveller astrophotographers who capture the images right on the spot. My goal is to promote astronomy and science through astrophotography, to share my own experiences with the public. My main area of interest is deepsky photography with DSLR, CCD and CMOS technology and Newtonian telescope.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

My published photos have been praised regularly on domestic and international astrophoto sites. I am currently a founding member and vice-chirman of the Association of Hungarian Astrophotographers (MAFE) I have been shortlited four times on Astronomy Photographer of the Year competition in Greenwich and appeared on APOD two times.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I am a member of the selection board of "Picture of the month" of Association of Hungarian Astrophotographers: and member of the selection borad of Constellations yearly national astrophotography exhibiton: I was also a member of the selection board of Picture of the Day for two years.

Przemysław Ząbczyk

Tell us about yourself

I took my first astrophotography in high school with an analog SLR through a welding filter - then I did not know that there was such a thing as astrophotography. After graduating from university, I bought my first telescope with my own money and it quickly turned out that the views are not like on the Internet;) I started to do tests with a mobile phone and a simple digital camera. As the appetite grows with eating, I quickly acquired a Canon digital SLR camera. Since 2010, I have been trying to use every clear night in a difficult Central European climate to discover the wonders of the universe.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Thanks to many years of experience with various techniques of DSO photography and because of the fact that I watch many photos every day, I can recognize the technique, errors, treatments, scales of photography difficulties and in most cases I am right;)

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

No, i do not have.

Rodd Dryfoos

Tell us about yourself

I spend every clear night taking astrophotographs . I spend a great deal of time viewing other imagers work, and can learn a lot about my processing from scrutinizing other images. I have always been interested in science, with my first dream as a 5th grader of being an astro-physicist. The dream didn't pan out, but the love of all that is related to space and cosmology persists.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am a devoted fan of broad band and narrow band imaging. Each time I view an astrophotograph I judge its quality based on principles of image processing I learned from masters of the craft. I have spent untold hours processing my data--over and over again attempting to maximize image quality. I tend to be a perfectionist and am rarely satisfied. I am like the detective that can not rest until the crime is solved. Problems with images jump out at me. I am very adept at scrutinizing an image from pixel to the full FOV noticing slight differences in dynamic range, opacity, sharpening, noise suppression, saturation, and the interplay of these, and other, qualities. Balance is key, and not processing beyond what the data can support. This leads to realistic looking images. I would make an excellent Judge.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

When I was in college I was a judge for a competition of the photography club. The medium was film, and the subject matter included portraits, landscapes, still life presentations, and statues.

Sergey Trudolyubov

Tell us about yourself

My name is Sergey Trudolyubov and I live in Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA. I am a 47-year-old former professional astrophysicist and an avid amateur astronomer and astrophotographer. Although I had been processing and analyzing multi-wavelength scientific astronomical data for years, I have been always excited about obtaining the data myself using amateur telescopes and imaging cameras. I got my first telescope when I was a kid and later started imaging using film and, after a long hiatus, digital cameras and astronomical CCD and CMOS cameras.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have an extensive professional experience in image processing. Some of the images produced as a part of my research were featured in science-related news and on the official web sites (NASA/HEASARC etc. ) and in press releases. After becoming a part of AstroBin community, I served as a IOTD submitter and currently serving as a IOTD reviewer. Some of my images on AstroBin were awarded a "Top pick" badge or were nominated in that category. In addition, a few of my images were selected as the "Astronomy Picture of the Week" and posted on the ZWO Astronomy Cameras web-site.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Over my scientific career, I served on several review committees choosing images from high energy astrophysics missions for official media presentations and press releases.

ShaoYu Zhang

Tell us about yourself

Since 2014, I have used a number of remote photography sets and have a wealth of remote observatory experience. In recent years, there have been dozens of celestial photography works, which have a wealth of experience and experience in equipment selection, shooting and post-processing.I have 2 remote observatories in Yunnan, and they work well.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I don't need to work for living, I have enough time to review the image, and I am still working on my own photos every day.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I don't have any experience in this area yet.

Stan Smith

Tell us about yourself

Astrophotographer for more than 30 years. Have been a submitter for a year.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have managed to select at least one top pick per week during the past year and usually more than one per week.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Not in astrophotography but yes in nature photography.

Steve Solon

Tell us about yourself

Film and digital astroimager, CCD and CMOS, for over 30 years.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I carefully scrutinize film and digital imagery for genuineness, care in processing, and efforts made in framing, composition, and quality based on location, equipment, etc.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

As a past-President of the Denver Astronomical Society, I was tasked with judging submitted images for our annual astro-image contest.

Tamas Kriska

Tell us about yourself

I was born in Hungary. Came to Unites States in 2000 to do biomedical research. Became involved in astronomy about ten years ago. My primary interest was always astrophotography, but I am also a visual observer. Last five years I have been the president of the Milwaukee Astronomical Society where I was involved in building observatories, setting up telescopes, and editing a newsletter. Joined the Astrobin three years ago. Past year I enjoyed being a reviewer.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I am an experienced astrophotographer. I am imaging the Moon, nightscapes with a startracker, planets with lucky imaging, the Sun with solar scope, and deep sky objects with both short focal length refractor and long focal length reflector. I gathered great deal of experience with all these imaging and processing techniques. I am also part of the very active imager group in my Club where we share the expertise and provide troubleshooting support to each other. I am very detail oriented and like to spend time browsing through the work of other astroimagers. My decade long experience as newsletter editor could provide additional help with IOTD selection process.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I served as a reviewer the past year on Astrobin's IOTD/TP staff.

Tian Li

Tell us about yourself

I'm a master Astronomy student studying in Leiden University.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have been photographing deep sky object for about 5 years. My image enter IAPY and APOD several times. One of my image won 2019 IAPY second place at People and Space category.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

Submitter and reviewer of Astrobin for 3 years.

Tomasz Zwolinski

Tell us about yourself

I have always had a keen interest in astronomy. I made my first steps in astronomy with "Incredible stories of stars and planets" from a book I got for Christmas when I was about 3 years old. My mom read it to me. She is also interested in astronomy. Later there were night-time strolls to get acquainted with the brightest stars and learn the easiest constellations. My fist stargazing equipment were binoculars and later small 4" and 6" newtonian telescopes. My astro library grew fast with such publications as observing the night sky on sky maps, star wheels, astronomy glossaries.
Throughout many years I observed eclipse phenomena from my own observatory of Lunar occultations and asteroidal occultations. I possess a metorite collection that I have gathered for years.
I bought new equipment in spring 2015. Having no previous experience with graphics software in September 2015 I decided to brace myself and start to dive into astro image processing.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I thin I have so much experience in astrophotography. I was winning many monthlu editions contest at One of my photos was chosen Polish Astronomy Picture of the Year.
Since 2 years I have been writing articles about astroprocessing for the largest polish astronomical monthly newspaper (Astronomia).
I also organized a workshop face to face/remote desktop on astronomy processing basics and advanced processing.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I was judge in Polish Astronomy Picture Of The Day.

Utkarsh Mishra

Tell us about yourself

My name is Utkarsh and I am an avid Astrophotographer, researcher from India. My work has been published several times on NASA APOD, BBC sky at night and even got couple of IOTD on Astrobin
I spend most of my time in Image processing and discovering new deepsky objects.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

It's an honor that I am applying as a Judge for this wonderful community, I don't know if I fulfill the criteria of being a part of this great family but ill try my best to write a little about my experience :).
I have been involved in AP since 2015 to be precise and carry good amount of experience in Image Processing since then I have spent more than 8000hrs on Image Processing and I am very well versed with this subject.
I regularly check the astrobin site and analyze images from different astrophotographers.
I am also the Administrator of Facebook group Telescope Addicts which has membership of over 40,000 people, I along with other admins run this group :) smoothly.
I am also very much active on social platform and my Day starts from checking images Online and ends with it.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

No unfortunately i never served as a Judge for for competition.

Wei Li

Tell us about yourself

I started photography as a hobby since 2003. I am always inspired by the beautiful images of galaxy and nebula over years. In 2017, I started my own experience in astrophotography. This year we built a remote observatory in Texas. I am an active astrobiner since 2017, I have over 70 images under my account and some IOTD/TP awards as well.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

Astrography was new to me when I started. The learning curve is quite steep. I searched and learned from others all the time on AstroBin. Good quality of IOTD/TP really helps my selection of subject and post processing skill. I volunteer to serve the community as a voter. When trying keep up the quality of selections, the process itself will help myself to learn more from so many good photographers in astrobin as well.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

I served as judge in some photo forum before.

Xianghao Ma

Tell us about yourself

I started to Get involved in astrophotography in 2017. At that time, I Just went to College. Because of my passion for astronomy and astrophotography, I am now studying for a PhD in Astrophysics at the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I posted the first picture on astrobin on March 15, 2020.So far I have posted 45 pictures,including 1 IOTD,20 Top Picks and 9 Top Pick Nominations.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

So far I have posted 45 pictures, including 1 IOTD,20 Top Picks and 9 Top Pick Nominations. And I am studying for a PhD in Astrophysics. So I believe I have enough technology and the ability to distinguish whether a picture should be selected as an IOTD.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?


Yizhou Zhang

Tell us about yourself

I started attempting this hobby since around 2011, and in the last two years or so it got more serious. I've currently set up in two remote hosting obs in New Mexico and West Texas, collecting photons from Bortle 2 skies.

What makes you a good fit for the role?

I have been serving as a submitter & reviewer in Astrobin community for this year. I've practiced to pay attention to the details and I think I understand the guideline of IOTD process pretty well.

Do you have previous experience with judging photography or other visual arts?

No, only as the submitter/reviewer for Astrobin